Friday, May 26, 2023

HEROS Technology Ltd. in The UK

This UK-based company's website is looking so good these days, it warrants having It's own blog post written: The company is HEROS Technology Ltd. in The UK.

I've always admired the products this company offers. Especially what might be called their flagship product: Their VLF-LF-MW Bands Upconverter Back when I was very actively trying to DX NDB's (and NAVTEX), I longed to own one of these units! 

Another interesting factor, is that for what you get, which is arguably the best LF Converter available, their price is pretty reasonable.

Having just visited their site again, after a long hiatus, I was happy to see all of the new stuff they've added:

  • Many new products, with detailed descriptions and information.
  • An expanded downloads section, which includes useful advice.
  • Antenna matching devices and isolators. 
  • A Multimedia tab with interesting YouTube videos. 
Also: The Muon detector kits have arrived! Sooner than I expected - And I'm really looking forward to beginning construction! All the components are wonderfully packaged. It's going to be fun!

But, bat detector reviews must come first... After all, "If you don't eat your meat, you can't have any pudding...How can you have any pudding if you don't eat your meat??"

Until next time, Happy DXing!

Wednesday, May 24, 2023

Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Also Have A Peek At Boltek's Incredible LRX-1!

For now, I would just like to direct your attention to The LRX-1 Lightning Network Detector from Boltek. Basically, this is the system which allows the real magic to happen: Sending out critical, up-to-date, bursts of life saving data - to those who need it most! Accurate information about lightning, sent to network accounts in milliseconds!

I urge you to check out the link above, to find out more. It's an impressive professional system.

And, who knows? There may even be a lot of practical, real-world experiences with the system, written about here on this very blog in the not-too-distant future...

Stay tuned!

Just sharing some stock photos now:

Monday, May 8, 2023

Along With The Upcoming Review of The LD—350 ~ You Can Expect More Posts About Muon Detectors

Ok, this isn't a lightning detector...And it basically has nothing to do with lightning. 

I apologize; but it's just too cool not to share. 

The complete (unbuilt) Muon Detector Kit
from UKRAA (Link Here).

It's a Muon Detector kit. It detects particles called muons, which originate from cosmic rays entering Earth's atmosphere - And I will confess: Lately, I've become a wee bit obsessed with them. 
In any case, I'm determined to acquire a kit.
I've reached out to several different organizations and educational institutions overseas; The easiest prospect I found, are the complete kits offered by UKRAA.

For those of you who don't solder/build kits - There's
a fully completed/tested kit, in enclosure available (Here).

Now, after some substantial web searching, you'll find (as I did) that Muon detector kits aren't easy to find. It turns out that, as with everything else I adore, the best kits are found in The UK! From The UK Radio Astronomy Association (

The (scarce) Muon detectors normally encountered (when one searches fervently for them) are almost always DIY units. Such as this one (which is what the UKRAA kit is based on). The issue with this one, and all the other (hobbyist-level/DIY) kits, is that in order to build it, one has to order the various components from several different suppliers/locations. 

That is what makes these kits from UKRAA so attractive: They come complete with everything in one package - Even down to the small quantity of optical grease needed for construction! (in a small syringe).  

I've been researching muon detectors left, right, and center - even delving into Particle Physics along the way! The most complex math equations I've ever seen in my life!

As for lightning detectors, The LD-350 from Boltek is currently under test...

I am slowly but surely getting closer to ordering (and building) 2 muon detector kits from UKRAA...
My goal is to order 2 kits, because 2 working units stacked on top of each other, are needed, in order to confirm muon particles. 
I also plan on providing any supplemental information, construction notes, tips, etc. for these units. As well as a short review. 

Best wishes!

Tuesday, May 2, 2023

The Boltek LD-350 is here!

Just a short update post for now:

I'm very happy to announce that the Boltek LD—350 lightning detector is here! 

I currently have it set up in it's second location. The 1st installation was not ideal, and was really just for some initial testing. It was very exciting to be setting up a professional lighting detection system for the 1st time! 

A sincere thank you to Boltek Corporation, for the loan of the system. I'd originally requested the LD—250, but they did not have any refurbished/loaner units available to send me. In my upcoming review, I will also cover the LD—250, because I believe that many hobbyists will find it to be an affordable, plug-and-play solution.

Along with my excitement, were great expectations for this unit. I acquainted myself with this system, by reading the user manual days before it's arrival. It was a quick and easy installation, as expected. After it was up and running, I also  envisioned very accurate results; as in very accurate plotting of lightning strikes, etc.

Here is a quick pic of the antenna, installed in a good location, facing North:

To be continued...