Saturday, June 22, 2024

Review: The XkyFire RealTime Lightning System Boltek Lightning Detector

Review: The XkyFire RealTime Lightning System -Utilizing- The Boltek LRX-1 Lightning Network Detector

You can learn a bit about, and sign-up for The XkyFire RealTime Lightning System Here.

You can learn about The Boltek LRX-1 Lightning Network Detector Here.

The Boltek LRX-1 Lightning Network Detector is an advanced lightning detecting system, which is intended to detect & report sky-to-ground lightning strikes.

Also, here's an interesting link I found to a Russian site. There are also systems there which I've never seen before.

You can see an un-boxing pic, in the previous post ('First Impression'). The system arrived well-packaged (from Canada). As illustrated on page 2 of the user manual, the package contains:
  • The LRX-1
  • The ANT-50 (lightning sensor & GPS antenna)
  • 10' Network Patch Cable
  • Lightning Sensor Cable (CAT6)
  • GPS Cable (CAT6)
  • 120/220v Power Adapter (N.America, or International)
  • 2 Cable Grips (gray plastic)
  • 3 Large Mounting Clamps
  • 3 Medium Mounting Clamps
It is also provided with a 25-page User Manual.

Page 3 illustrates the theory of operation (which isn’t hard to understand).

Page 5 covers antenna installation (ANT-50).

Page 6 covers system installation (putting it all together).

Page 9-10 covers front panel (connectors) and LED indicators. 

Page 12-18 covers configuration of The LRX-1; as well as the editing of the LRX.ini file, and the IP address.

Page 19 is a brief summary of operation.

Page 23 is a very guide to troubleshooting.

Page 25 (Specifications) is really a quick reference guide to the LED indicators, etc.

The LRX-1 unit itself, is 6.3” X 4.5” X 1.1” (160mm x 114mm x 28mm).

As far as Price is concerned, I will have to do some more shopping around, and update this review going forward. 
Please note: this review is a work in progress. In fact, as I typed this, the system is currently down here at this location: My BIL needed to do some work on the deck where the antenna was originally installed. I suppose the upside of this, is that I’ll have an opportunity to take some videos, of what it’s like to set up the system – which I will put on YouTube. On my lightning detector channel. 

Features of this system include the ability to use either 120vAC (US plug) or 100-240vAC: International multi-plug wall adapter provided. It’s recommended that you plug it into a UPS. 12vDC battery operation is also possible.

I found that I like the design (and engineering) which went into the execution of these (physical) units. They are manufactured by Boltek.
You can immediately see, that they are high-tech units, in which all facets of lightning detection were considered when they were designed.

The fact that the antenna houses two separate sensors: One Lightning sensor, and one antenna.
Along with two seperate cables (one for each > going to the indoor unit). This demonstrates a design in which no expense was spared.

The LRX-1 & XkyFire System are designed to work as part of a large network of identical systems, set-up in various locations around N. America. Canada is a base of operations, and is well-represented via this extensive network.
Each LRX-1 system instantly reports what it detects, to the network via TCP/IP. This allows the various units to work together, to accurately pinpoint the exact location of a sky-to-ground lightning strike - with extreme accuracy (which I will go into at a later time). It is rather impressive. 

This factor, was something which really surprised me, when I first learned of it. I noticed that the system didn't report lightning strikes as often as other systems I'd reviewed in the past. And I was informed of the manner in which these systems are used - Recording only sky-to-ground *actual* lightning strikes; which pose a potential danger to people and property.

Stock photo - Credit: Boltek

To be continued…

Wednesday, March 6, 2024

Announcing An Excellent Resource for Lightning Detectors! and Other Excellent Goodies!

So, it seems that lightning storm season is practically upon us now... Further evidenced by the fact that as I type this...It's been raining cats & dogs outside for hours.

And while I was searching around on eBay, etc., for lightning-related PCBs, etc. I just stumbled upon This eBay Seller Jack_Frost_Sales has lots of excellent electronics-related goodies for sale! VLF-related stuff, etc.

I've been sitting here trying to figure-out / remember if I'm personally acquainted with him or not? I guess I'm having a "senior moment"? lol

Anyway, I visited his website Stormwise and again: Lots of excellent goodies!! I felt like a kid in a candy store! and I wanted to share.

I'll eventually add a permanent link to the right hand side of the blog (here) under Links.

So, I'm busy working on a product review on my Astronomy Product Review blog at the moment...So, to be continued...

Happy storm detecting!