Short video of a static charge monitor I built.
I've been interested in lightning radar & longwave DX since 2008...I'd like to share my experiences...
Just a quick post for now...
I've decided to give NDB DXing another try (after a hiatus of many years!).
I remain hopeful, especially since I live in a more rural area now. For years I tried picking up NDB's (as well as navtex and other LF broadcasters) from the very electrically noisy environment of Bronx, NY: It was more than just extremely challenging, It was nearly impossible! An exercise in frustration and futility.
Eventually, this is the unit that I'll be getting for DXing beacons, NAVTEX, and other goodies. It has been recommended on this great page — which you should definitely check out! It's The new NDB list Website, and I was very happy to see it — and to see that it was updated as near as just last month!
The Longwave Club of America is also still very active 👍
So, for now, I just went ahead and bought this (inexpensive) radio off of amazon.
I also ordered a neat little loop antenna called The MLA-30 by TechMad. You can see a stock pic below. I don't expect too much from it, but we'll see...
Also, I just wanted to share one of the links, from this extremely informative website. I've been interested in Neon lamps/NE—2 neon bulbs (and experiments with them) for many years....But this page is definitely the most outstanding, and thoroughly informative page I have ever seen on the subject!
It's nice to be back posting on this blog again, after so much time. The heat and humidity of the past few months has made my chronic pain and fibromyalgia very challenging to cope with (as usual for this time of year).
In fact, I'm (slowly) typing this on my tablet, while in bed with a fibro flare...
Be that as it may, I'm taking a quick break, from my busy bat detector reviewing schedule - To tell you electronic fans about these new lightning detectors I've stumbled across:
They look awesome! And very promising as additions to projects - Especially the very simple (but very cool-looking!) kits offered by this eBay Seller - 'tgs1950'
Here is his eBay Store. He's based in The UK.
This is the one I've ordered - For now, since I definitely plan to order more kits in the near future!
It appears that the designer decided to utilize interesting vacuum tubes to serve as the aerials for these kits; along with blue LEDs, which results in a great aesthetic.
This will be amoung the next kits I order: Lower-Cost Kit
Then there's this! Check-out this simple, field strength meter kit.
Where was a kit like this 25 years ago? Or 15 years ago? I could've really used a few back then!
The Business Info, as listed on eBay is as follows:
I've taken it upon myself to create this post & share this with my Readers. So, I won't go as far as sharing his e-mail, etc. (although it is available via eBay).
I've also order 2 of these (basically completed) boards - from another eBay Seller (SMDKing)
whom I've ordered from before. The boards I ordered are new, 'Ver.2.5' PCBs and they look great! You can read more about the various offerings at the Seller's eBay store. Again, I've dealt with him in the past, and it's always been a smooth transaction (with great communication).
Anyway, as you can see, in addition to other interests - I've become very interested in lightning detector kits again...
I hope to create some more posts here soon!